Kebijakan Privasi
• At kRank Store Website we have a very strict policy regarding privacy and confidentiality. We know that the equipments that we deal with every day, specially computers, laptops, hard disk drives, memory cards, flash drives and any other means of storing data, are always handled very carefully and with sensitivity to our customers privacy and confidentiality needs. We guarantee our customers that no information what so ever will be kept in our premises or will be shared to any other entity outside our workshop, once our job is finished. Your Information and data are safe with us. The moment you’ve taken your computer or gadget with you, we make sure that no duplicate copies of your data are kept in any memory storage inside our workshop. We guarantee our customers the peace of mind regarding their private informations and data are safe and kept confidential.
• All customers information and correspondence are strictly confidential.
• We do not sell, share, rent, or will release any of our customers information to any public or private businesses under any circumstance except if a customers information is requested for a police investigation.
• We make sure that our stored customer emails and correspondence are not accessible by any public or private businesses and is used for record keeping purposes only.